
Black Ops 6 Beta Turned Me Into a Knee-Shocking Opponent and Now I Can’t Go Back to Modern Warfare 3

Black Ops 6 Beta Turned Me Into a Knee-Shocking Opponent and Now I Can’t Go Back to Modern Warfare 3

It’s been 14 years since Call of Duty introduced dolphin diving to the masses, and in that time I’ve often wondered if the feature did more harm than good to me. I’m not a particularly good gamer, and the desire to do so something is often stronger than waiting to do what is right. Hold the corner? Move quietly? That’s all well and good if you care about the little things like winning, but unfortunately it’s inconsistent with the overwhelming impulse to throw my character to the ground in every situation.

Every time I successfully dolphin-dive through enemy fire to score a point, I also find myself careening around corners and getting peppered with bullets for my troubles. It’s a habit I’ve been trying to break over the past year, but playing Black Ops 6 beta tested my resolve like nothing else. With omni-mobility – which amounts to the ability to dive, slide, or sprint in any direction – I gave in completely to my stupidest compulsion.

Move and destroy

Two Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 players use omni-move to slide past each other on the Skyline map

(Image source: Activision Blizzard)