
What do we know about the victims of the Park Tavern disaster?

What do we know about the victims of the Park Tavern disaster?

D’Albani, 34, of Golden Valley, suffered a broken leg, pelvis, ribs and dislocated knees. Friends and supporters describe her as a “competent and caring nurse.” D’Albani, who has worked in the intensive care unit at Methodist for six years, has an infant son. D’Albani remained in serious condition at HCMC Wednesday afternoon.

Larson, 33, of St. Paul, works in the intensive care unit at Methodist, a job he did while he was in nursing school. Friends describe him as “intelligent, analytical and witty.” Larson recently got married — he and his wife have planned a honeymoon in New Zealand. He was admitted to North Memorial Health Hospital with multiple fractures to his skull, face and eye socket. Larson also suffered “complete memory loss,” according to the indictment. He was in fair condition Wednesday afternoon at North Memorial Health Hospital.

Six other victims suffered less serious injuries. They are identified by initials in the criminal complaint against Bailey.

ES: Severe abrasions, chest pain, bruising, skin tears.

RC: Bruise behind the knee.