
California man pleads guilty in 30-year-old Fayetteville rape case involving 12-year-old boy

California man pleads guilty in 30-year-old Fayetteville rape case involving 12-year-old boy

FAYETTEVILLE — A former northwest Arkansas man pleaded guilty Wednesday to raping a 12-year-old boy nearly 30 years ago and was sentenced to 40 years in prison.

Brett Camp, 59, of 5943 Graciosa Drive, Los Angeles, pleaded guilty to one count of rape in connection with an incident that occurred Dec. 18, 1994, in Fayetteville. Camp was sentenced to 40 years in prison, with 22 years of probation.

Under Arkansas law, rape is a Class Y felony, punishable by 10 to 40 years or life in prison.

Camp disappeared and was not arrested until August 2023, when he was found to be living in California under an assumed name.

“This case should serve as a warning to those in our community who think they can get away with their crimes,” said Senior Deputy Prosecutor Denis Dean. “We have the technology and resources to find you. Wherever you go, you will be held accountable.”

Camp was charged with rape in January 1995. An arrest warrant was issued on Jan. 27, 1995, according to documents in Washington County District Court. The warrants indicated that the agency that issued the warrant was the Fayetteville Police Department. Camp, who was living in Fayetteville at the time, was accused of having sex with a 12-year-old boy, according to a probable cause statement filed in the case. Camp was 29 at the time.

The arrest came as a result of work done by the Washington County Sheriff’s Office. Kelly Cantrell, public information officer for the Sheriff’s Office, said investigators are reviewing violent felony warrants in the office’s records system to add them to the “Most Wanted” list, and Camp’s arrest warrant was among them.

Two sheriff’s detectives determined that Camp was living in California under an assumed name, so they worked with law enforcement where he was located to obtain his arrest, Cantrell said.

Camp used the name “Gary Simon” when he was identified and arrested in California, she said.

Camp was arrested in California on Aug. 24 by the U.S. Marshals Service and taken to the Los Angeles County Jail. After being questioned to establish his identity, Camp signed an extradition waiver, according to Cantrell.

“I would like to thank the Washington County Sheriff’s Office for their diligence in finding this fugitive after nearly three decades on the run,” Dean said.