
Bedford County man charged with raping woman

Bedford County man charged with raping woman

<em>William Beatty Jr., 31 (Bedford County Jail)</em>” data-src=”–/YXBwaWQ9aGlnaGxhbmRlcjt3PTk2MDtoPTEyODA-/ 62db24745e4439b590228″ /><em></div>
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William Beatty Jr., 31 (Bedford County Jail)

William Robert Beatty Jr., 31, was charged with rape, forcible sexual intercourse, sexual assault, false imprisonment, terroristic threats and strangulation after state police were called to UPMC Bedford on a reported rape.

According to the criminal complaint, the victim told police she had been staying with her friend Beatty for a few days and that on Sunday evening, September 1, they went to a party. The woman claims they argued and went back to Beatty’s apartment.

The complaint said Beatty and the woman were smoking a “suspected illegal substance” when they got to his apartment. The woman said it was like he “flipped a switch” and he began yelling and arguing with her into the early morning hours when she finally went to bed.

According to the charges, on Monday morning she said she was putting on makeup when Beatty continued to scream and yell, and she decided she wanted to break up with him by mutual consent.

In the bathroom, she claimed Beatty came up behind her and began choking her. According to prosecutors, she said she had trouble breathing and thought she almost fainted. She said she felt sick and went to lie down.

According to her account, she woke up to Beatty standing over her. She claimed he pulled down her pants and began having sex with her, even though she repeatedly said no.

The woman added that Beatty did not use a condom and allegedly told her she was his until she “turned 18,” the complaint states.

She told investigators that she was eventually able to leave Beatty’s residence with the help of a mutual friend.

Beatty was arraigned Monday afternoon and booked into the Bedford County Jail, with bail set at $500,000.

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